View lists and details of RFP's for consultant services the Iowa DOT is currently soliciting or recently completed.


1 Visual inspections of all airport pavements at 35 publicly owned airports in accordance with FAA Advisory Circular 150/5380-6; provide data analysis using MicroPAVER to generate pavement condition indexes (PCI); and provide training and technical support in the aforementioned disciplines to DOT staff. 3/3/2003 Other
330 Bridge Inspection 3/14/2024 Other
2 See attachment. 4/27/2011 Other
3 See attachment. 9/1/2011 Other
4 See below. 8/6/2010 Highway Design
5 Services for Location and Environment on Full service and Limited service-general contracts. 8/31/2006 Other
293 2021 On-Call Civil Design Consultant – Support Services Bureau 10/25/2021 Other
6 325 - Bridge Inspection and Analysis 2/24/2017 Bridge Design
289 Steel Fabrication Inspection 7/13/2021 Highway Design
7 Work Category 361 – Structural Coating Services 6/24/2013 Bridge Design
8 See attachments 4/12/2012 Other
309 2022 IA 9 over Mississippi River Construction Engineering and Inspection Services RFP 9/15/2022 Bridge Design
10 Woark Category 314 Aerial Photography 11/8/2012 Other
11 On-Call Geotechnical services for the Office of Design for a period of three years. The maximum amount payable for the entire 3-year contract will not exceed $1,000,000. 4/16/2004 Highway Design
12 See attachment. 1/10/2012 Other
270 Preliminary Engineering NW Arterial/John Deere Road Corridor, Dubuque County 5/15/2020 Other
13 See below. 1/28/2010 Other
338 2025 LEB Full Service On Call Planning, Engineering, Environmental Studies, & Documentation 2/5/2025 Planning Studies
14 This project consists of the design and construction of an approximately 50,000 square foot office building residing on a seven (7) acre plot located on the southeast side of Ankeny, which will be used to house the Motor Vehicle Division (MVD) of the Iowa Department of Transportation. Functions will include, but not be limited to, a fully functioning Driver’s License Station for Polk County, a Truck Permit Center, office space for the admistrative offices for MVD and a fully functional Data Center. The space will also include conference rooms, an employee break area, waiting space for customers and ancillary space for mechanical and electrical equipment. 6/6/2005 Other
317 2023 Traffic & Safety Statewide Traffic Engineering On-Call RFP 4/11/2023 Other
15 The Iowa Department of Transportation (Iowa DOT) is requesting a technical proposal from consultant engineering/planning firms concerning their qualifications, experience and availability to identify, investigate, and/or remediate properties potentially, or known to be, contaminated with regulated materials for the state of Iowa. 4/4/2006 Other
16 Complete a multimodal study to identify, evaluate and prioritize long-range transportation needs for the two state Clinton, Iowa-Fulton, Illinois urban-regional area. 8/1/2002 Planning Studies
17 See attachment 4/11/2011 Other
337 Facilities Civil Design 1/29/2025 Other
18 381 - Geographic Information System (GIS) Services 5/14/2014 Other
19 Required work categories (at the time of this request, but may not be limited to) • PM/GEC: 201 • Bridges and Structures: 215, 216, 217 • Design: 125, 214, 218, 312, 319, 321 • Location & Environment: Environmental monitoring and compliance with identified permit and clearance commitments. This work has no existing pre-qualification work category. • Construction: 221, 222, 226 • ROW: Management of acquired ROW between the time of acquisition and incorporation into the project. This work has no existing pre-qualification work category. • Rail Transportation: 219, 224 • Traffic & Safety: 226, 235 As-Needed work categories which may be required at a later time: • Bridges and Structures: 323, 359 • Design: 212, 213, 226, 311, 313, 314, 315, 316, 420 • Location & Environment: 123, 351, 352, 353, 354, 355, 356, 357, 358, 381 • Materials: 316, 324, 330 • Construction: 361 • Public Transit: 232, 233, 234 • ROW: 471 • Systems Planning: 151, 161 • Traffic & Safety: 218, 236, 462 3/25/2013 Other
321 2023 Traffic Operations Bureau 3- Year On-Call for Intelligent Transportation Systems & Fiber Optic Design and Inspection 5/25/2023 Other
20 See attachment. 2/17/2011 Other
21 Work Category 325 - Bridge Inspection and Analysis 3/26/2014 Bridge Design
22 Investigating wetland impacts of proposed transportation improvement projects, preparing pertinent portions of environmental documents, developing wetland mitigation concepts, designs (including water control structures) and letting plans, preparing preconstruction notices or individual 404 permit applications, assessing surface and subsurface hydrology, GIS/GPS analysis, performing water quality monitoring, post-construction wetland monitoring, and other related tasks. 5/30/2003 Other
23 Work under the unlimited basis contract will require prequalification of the prime consultant in work categories 216 (Non-Standard, Non-Steel Bridge Design) and 217 (Steel Bridge Design). Work under the limited basis contract will require prequalification of the prime consultant in work categories 216 (Non-Standard, Non-Steel Bridge Design). 4/2/2013 Bridge Design
24 Sign Structure Inspection 7/7/2005 Maintenance
25 HIGHWAY, DRAINAGE, AND ROW DESIGN 8/8/2000 Highway Design
26 213 (Highway Design – Major Facility), 216 (Non-Standard, Non-Steel Bridge Design), 217 (Steel Bridge Design), 221 (Highway Roadway Construction), 222 (Bridge Construction), 311 (Land Surveying), 312 (Engineering Surveying), 321 (Geological and Geophysical Studies), and 323 (Hydraulic and Hydrologic Studies). 3/31/2014 Bridge Design
27 220 - Construction Inspection and Project Management 12/13/2017 Other
28 See below 5/17/2007 Other
333 Roundabout Review On-Call 6/13/2024 Other
29 HIGHWAY, BRIDGE, SOILS, & ROW DESIGN 12/1/2000 Highway Design
329 Underwater Bridge Inspection 3/14/2024 Other
302 I-74 Mississippi River Bridge Removal and Miscellaneous Construction Engineering and Inspection Services 2/23/2022 Other
30 LOCATION AND ENVIRONMENTAL STUDY 7/16/2004 Planning Studies
31 352: Comprehensive Archaeological Services 363: Comprehensive Historical and Architectural Services 4/27/2018 Other
32 The Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT), Office of Location and Environment (OLE), is soliciting statements of interest and evidence of qualification from consulting firms who wish to be considered for award of a three-year, open-end full service contract for statewide project location and environmental work. 1/24/2003 Other
33 See below. 3/23/2009 Bridge Design
34 Design the lighting for the I-235 corridor. This includes both the final contiuous lighting plans and the temporary lighting required during staged construction of I-235, both mainline and interchanges. Firm selected must be prequalified in the new work category 462. Lighting Design, prior to contract negotiations. 5/26/2000 Highway Design
35 See below. 9/2/2009 Other
36 462 - Lighting Design 6/27/2016 Other
37 See Attachment. 6/22/2010 Other
38 The firm selected will provide engineering surveying services to the Office of Design for highway improvement projects throughout the state. 5/25/2005 Other
39 Identification, handling, transportation and disposal/recycling of regulated materials. 9/14/2004 Other
40 Traffic Operations Studies (236) Traffic Operations Design (218) Traffic Control Systems Analysis, Design, and Implementtion (235) 11/19/2014 Other
41 The selected consultant for this contract will be expected to perform services related to preparing landscape design concepts, final planting plans, and any associated contract documents for portions of the freeway. 11/16/2007 Other
42 315 - Photogrammetry 4/15/2015 Highway Design
43 410 - Architechture 430 - Sanitary Engineering 460 - Mechanical Engineering 461 - Energy Analysis, Audits, and Conservation Use 462 - Lighting Design 463 - Electrical Engineering 464 - Structural Engineering 12/4/2017 Other
44 This service agreement contract will be categorized as “limited service” typically limited to individual sites, rather than a highway project corridor. The selected firm will be expected to provide services that ensure compliance will all applicable environmental laws and regulations. 1/5/2007 Other
45 Work Category 201 - Project Management/General Engineering Consultant (PM/GEC) 7/6/2016 Other
46 Work under this contract will require the prime consultant to have prequalification in the following work categories: 123 – Location Studies, 216 – Non-Standard, Non-Steel Bridge Design 217 – Steel Bridge Design, and 351 – Environmental Impact Studies In addition, the prime consultant shall be either pre-qualified or have access to specialty firms prequalified in the following work categories: 214 – Highway Design – Major Facility – Urban 218 – Traffic Operations Design 236 – Traffic Operations Studies 311 – Land Surveying 312 – Engineering Surveying 315 – Photogrammetry 319 – Subsurface Utility Engineering (SUE) 321 – Geological and Geophysical Studies 323 – Hydraulic and Hydrologic Studies 352 – Comprehensive Archaeological Services 353 – Environmental Specialty Services 354 – Comprehensive Wetland Services 355 – Regulated Materials Investigation and Remediation Services 356 – Hydrogeology, Geomorphology & Other Geological Disciplines 362 – Threatened and Endangered Species Services 363 – Comprehensive Historical and Architectural Services 7/21/2016 Other
47 DESIGN & R.O.W. FOR SPOT IMPROVEMENTS 2/28/2000 Highway Design
48 Work Category 359: Specialized Geophysical Studies - Vibration 6/26/2014 Other
49 330 – Structures Fabrication Inspection 5/14/2015 Other
50 The consultant and their sub consultants are required to be prequalified as defined in the Iowa DOT’s Policy and Procedure Manual, Policy No. 300.04, for the duration of the contract. 6/17/2015 Highway Design
51 See below. 4/29/2010 Other
52 238: Intelligent Transportation Systems 10/19/2012 Other
53 Qualifications for performing required work on the building efficiency contract will be based on experience, typical licensure, certification or registration, or seals of approval from others as demonstrated in the consultant’s reply to the Request for Proposal. 2/20/2013 Other
54 The Office of Bridges and Structures of the Iowa Department of Transportation (the Department) is interested in entering into a professional services contract with two consulting companies for work on various statewide bridge design projects. The selected consultants for this work will be expected to perform bridge engineering services. Anticipated projects could involve the following: • Bridge deck overlays and repairs • Final design for new bridges or replacements • Design check (design and drafting by OBS) • Bridge rehabilitation • MB (maintenance repair) projects • Culverts • Drainage design, including 2D • 3D model for design • Accelerated bridge construction • Preliminary design for new bridges or replacements • Bridge Design Standards - updates • Full service bridge “shelf projects” • Emergency repairs • Other miscellaneous bridge discipline related work • Special investigations with miscellaneous analysis The appointment of statewide on-call consultants is desired to provide flexibility with our production schedule needs. The consultant chosen must be able to react quickly to projects that have accelerated schedules. If your company is interested in providing the described services, please submit a proposal stating your ability and availability to complete this work. 4/2/2019 Bridge Design
55 Work under this contract will require prequalification in work category 312 – Engineering Surveying, 311 – Land Surveying, 313 – Geodetic Surveying, and 319 – Subsurface Utility Engineering. 3/6/2013 Highway Design
56 See below. 1/21/2009 Other
57 The firms (3 or more) will be expected to provide services for the performance of archaeological and historic/architectural resource surveys, testing, mitigation, and documentation for compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act. 8/21/2001 Planning Studies
58 See letter below. 5/30/2008 Other
59 See below 6/1/2007 Other
60 The consultant and their sub consultants are required to be prequalified as defined in the Iowa DOT’s Policy and Procedure Manual, Policy No. 300.04, for the duration of the contract. 12/21/2012 Highway Design
61 Primary services we anticipate requesting will include developing highway landscaping projects to revegetate older, non-native roadsides with native grasses and wildflowers, preparing landscape designs using plant materials to control blowing and drifting snow and/or provide visual screening/noise attenuation, and preparing planting plans for wetland mitigation and/or stream buffer projects. Secondary services that may be requested include preparing landscape architectural designs, details and specifications for hardscape features such as walks, trails, retaining walls, etc., preparing graphics, image edits or other visualization materials, conducting research and field studies, aiding with public involvement, and incorporating public art into highway projects. On any project, firms may be responsible for concept development, coordination with DOT staff, preparing design plans and specifications, field staking of landscape architectural features, and providing field observations during construction to determine if contractor performance is meeting design intent. In general, the DOT will work with the selected firm on a project-by-project basis to determine the types of services required. 1/21/2005 Other
62 112 – Urban Area Transportation Planning 6/19/2014 Other
63 The selected consultants for this contract will be expected to perform engineering services related to non-standard, non-steel bridge design, steel bridge design, and hydraulic and hydrologic studies. 3/22/2007 Bridge Design
64 352, Comprehensive Archaeological Services and work category 363, Comprehensive Historical and Architectural Services 7/24/2013 Other
65 Work under this contract will require prequalification in work category 321 - Geological and Geophysical Studies. 5/23/2013 Highway Design
66 See Attachments 4/12/2012 Other
67 The Iowa Department of Transportation’s Office of Design is seeking a multidisciplinary design team to provide civil engineering, architectural, structural engineering, landscape architectural, artistic, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, surveying and geotechnical engineering services for work on a variety of rest area improvement projects. Work may also be requested for improvements to other DOT facilities (office buildings, maintenance garages, etc.) on an occasional basis. If your firm is interested in providing the described services, please submit a proposal stating your ability and availability to complete this work. 2/4/2019 Other
273 2020 Traffic & Safety Statewide On-Call Roadway Lighting Non-Design 5/12/2020 Other
283 Bridge Inspection 2/23/2021 Bridge Design
68 The contract will be for the collection of GIS data, a portal to the data, an Existing Conditions Report and a Problem Statement that will help define and focus the Tier One Environmental Impact Statement. 3/9/2007 Other
326 Threatened and Endangered Species 1/19/2024 Other
69 313-Geodetic Surveying 2/28/2013 Highway Design
70 See below 6/21/2007 Other
71 LOCATION AND ENVIRONMENTAL STUDY 8/16/2000 Planning Studies
72 See attachment. 2/22/2011 Other
73 236 Traffic Operations Studies 6/30/2015 Other
74 See below 5/14/2009 Highway Design
75 See attachment 3/23/2011 Other
76 Services provided will include TEAP studies, SRTS studies, and miscellaneous traffic and safety engineering services. 10/23/2008 Other
77 325 (Bridge Inspection and Analysis) 5/25/2018 Bridge Design
294 2022 Three Year On-Call for Statewide Aerial Services 12/1/2021 Highway Design
78 151 – Rail Transportation Planning 355 - Regulated Material Investigation and Remediation Services 6/4/2015 Other
269 Threatened and Endangered Services 4/21/2020 Other
79 216 (Non-Standard, Non-Steel Bridge Design) 323 (Hydraulic and Hydrologic Studies) 3/30/2018 Bridge Design
80 Work category 321 – Geological and Geophysical Studies. 12/31/2019 Continuous Service
277 Asbestos, Lead Paint & Mold Abatement Services 9/29/2020 Other
81 The services performed by the consulting firm shall encompass and include all detail work, materials, equipment and supplies necessary to provide Roadway Lighting Design Services. This includes, but is not limited to preparing and delivering contract plans and specifications for various interchange lighting and intersection lighting, other roadway lighting activities, and construction observation where applicable. 5/23/2006 Highway Design
82 See Below 4/23/2008 Maintenance
274 Construction Engineering and Inspection Services for the reconstruction of Iowa Highway 64/Platt Street in the City of Maquoketa. 5/22/2020 Other
83 Work under this contract may require the consultant team to meet the requirements of the following work categories: • Preliminary engineering work such as preparation of project concepts, field examinations and preparation of type, size and location (TS&L) drawings • Culvert and Standard Bridge Design - 215 • Non-Standard, Non-Steel Bridge Design – 216 • Steel Bridge Design – 217 • Bridge Inspection & Analysis- 325 • Drainage Design - 322 (Complex Hydraulic and Hydrologic Studies) and 323 (Hydraulic and Hydrologic Studies) • Geological Services - 321 (Geological and Geophysical Studies) • Land and Engineering Surveying - 311 (Land Surveying) and 312 (Engineering Surveying) • Highway Design - 213 (Highway Design – Major Facility) and 214 (Highway Design – Major Facility Urban) • Bridge and roadway construction inspection - 221 (Highway Roadway Construction) and 222 (Bridge Construction Coordination/Inspection) 3/8/2017 Bridge Design
84 220 - Construction Inspection and Project Management 12/22/2017 Other
85 314 Aerial Photography 10/29/2015 Highway Design
86 236 Traffic Operations Studies 6/30/2015 Other
325 2023 Transportation Asset Management Services On-Call 11/17/2023 Other
87 Consultants submitting responses to this RFP will not be required to be prequalified in any Department work categories because none currently exists for this type of work. Iowa DOT Policy No. 300.12 states that if no category exists, normal methods of acceptance shall be used, such as experience, typical licensure, certification or registration, or seals of approval by others. 5/8/2013 Other
88 See below. 9/10/2009 Highway Design
89 SCOPE OF SERVICES I. GENERAL - The Consultant shall inspect 64 BRIDGES in the manner described in this Attachment B. (BRIDGE LOCATIONS AVAILABLE ON REQUEST. ) The inspections shall include all portions of the bridges that were under water when the last intensive inspection was made and shall also include the river bed immediately adjacent to those portions. The Consultant should review the reports that were made after the last intensive inspections to determine the limits of these inspections. Copies of the reports are on file in the Office of Bridges and Structures in Ames. In identifying substructure elements, the Consultant shall use the normal convention. The near end of a bridge, which is usually south or west, is towards the beginning of the highway route. Piers and pile bents are numbered consecutively from near to far. The left side of the bridge is from the vantage point of a person standing at the near end. Piles are numbered consecutively from left to right. II. QUALIFICATIONS FOR INSPECTION PERSONNEL - Personnel making underwater inspections must be qualified divers and must also be qualified to interpret and describe what is discovered and to understand the significance of any discovered damage or deterioration. Preferably, at least one of the divers should be a licensed engineer. If not, at least one diver shall be a qualified bridge inspection team leader as described in the National Bridge Inspection Standard. Further, if none of the divers are licensed engineers, a licensed engineer must be on site to hear and interpret the information from the divers. The Project Manager in charge of this project shall be a licensed engineer registered in the State of Iowa. III. INSPECTION - The underwater inspection shall include visual and/or tactile investigation of all portions of the substructure elements as described above. The diver will also observe and report the presence of any rip-rap, scour, subsidence or other unusual condition in the immediate area and record the streambed elevations adjacent to the piers. If conditions are discovered that indicate the need for repair, sufficient information must be obtained to make it possible to prepare a repair plan. Photographic records of underwater inspection results will not normally be required. However, the inspectors should have underwater photographic equipment available and sufficient expertise to permit the use of underwater photography if a discovered condition makes that advisable. IV. ACCESS - The Consultant is required to furnish a boat and all other equipment that may be necessary to make these inspections. The boat and/or other access equipment must be of sufficient size to safely accommodate a representative from the Iowa DOT during the time the inspection is being made. V. TRAFFIC CONTROL - The Consultant shall conduct all operations in such a manner that there is no interference with traffic on the highway. All vehicles and equipment must be parked at least two feet off the traveled lanes. The Iowa DOT will furnish necessary portable warning signs. The Consultant shall be required to erect these signs while their equipment is parked along the highway and to take them down when they are not needed. If the Consultant is not able to conduct operations in the manner described above, the Consultant will be required to furnish necessary flaggers and traffic control devices as specified in the Manual for Uniform Traffic Control Devices and Iowa DOT Standard Road Plans for Traffic Control. VI. NOTIFICATION - The Consultant shall notify the Iowa DOT of their proposed inspection schedule at least one week before beginning operations. The Consultant shall also keep the DOT informed of their progress so a DOT representative will have the opportunity to observe the inspections. If conditions are discovered that threaten the structural integrity of the bridge, those conditions shall be promptly reported to the local Iowa DOT District Office or the Office of Bridges and Structures in Ames. VII. REPORT - A Final Report shall be prepared that describes the condition of each bridge pier or abutment separately in narrative form and shall include sketches which describe and illustrate the condition of the inspected portions. Piers, abutments and specific components must be identified using a numbering system as described in Section I. Photographs, if taken, shall be included and similarly identified and numbered. Photographs and sketches shall be cross-referenced in the narrative section to make it possible to easily access all information on a substructure element. The Final Report shall include a definitive summary for each bridge of the conditions observed and their significance. If repair or other action appears to be needed, the report must so state along with a brief description of the type and extent of repair. If the repair or other action is urgently needed, the report shall include a recommended time frame. The summary and all recommendations shall be cross-referenced to appropriate sections of the narrative and to the illustrative sketches and photographs. The licensed engineer who participated in the bridge inspections shall be directly involved in preparing the Final Report. Three copies of the Final Report shall be furnished to the Iowa DOT. 3/9/2001 Other
305 2022 Grant Writing & Analysis Services 3-Year On-Call RFP 4/25/2022 Other
90 See attachment. 3/12/2009 Other
91 See below. 2/1/2010 Other
92 See Attachment 1 11/21/2011 Other
311 2023 Construction Observation – Bridge Painting and Bridge Washing 12/20/2022 Bridge Design
94 Work under this contract will require the consultant team to meet the requirements of work category 361-Structural Coating Services. 10/24/2016 Bridge Design
95 325 - Bridge Inspection and Analysis. 2/24/2017 Bridge Design
96 See Below 3/11/2010 Other
97 See below. 4/29/2010 Bridge Design
98 1/8/2019 Other
99 The Iowa Department of Transportation (Iowa DOT) is requesting a technical proposal from consultant engineering/planning firms concerning their qualifications, experience and availability to complete Phase I of a two-phase process that will deliver a fully operational Statewide Travel Demand Model for the State of Iowa. 2/6/2006 Other
100 See below. 6/11/2010 Other
101 See attachment. 11/17/2010 Other
102 One or more of the following services are being requested: the performance of archaeological and historic/architectural resource surveys for identification, evaluation, mitigation, and documentation of National Register eligible properties in order to comply with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act. 1/19/2007 Planning Studies
103 2/1/2019 Other
315 2023 Bridge Inspection 2/22/2023 Bridge Design
104 112 - Urban Area Transportation Planning 113 - Local/Regional Planning 236 - Traffic Operation Studies 5/2/2014 Other
105 Climbing inspections 7/7/2005 Maintenance
327 Structural Design & Engineering 1/25/2024 Other
335 Construction Engineering (RCE) 11/20/2024 Other
332 NEPA Support Staff 5/29/2024 Other
106 Work under this contract will require the consultant team to primarily meet the requirements of work categories listed under “Design” and “Construction and Materials” in Appendix B of Policy No. 300.04. The consultant team may also need to meet the requirements of other work categories depending on project requirements. 3/30/2017 Highway Design
107 325 (Bridge Inspection and Analysis) 3/11/2015 Bridge Design
108 See Attachment. 9/28/2011 Highway Design
109 See Below 10/26/2007 Other
110 238 Intelligent Transportation Systems 3/19/2014 Other
278 MEP Design Consultant 10/21/2020 Other
111 Qualifications for performing data collection by means of mobile scanning as well as the data preparation will be based on experience, typical licensure, certification or registration, or seals of approval from others as demonstrated in the consultant’s reply to the Request for Proposal (RFP). 12/3/2012 Highway Design
275 The Iowa Department of Transportation’s (Iowa DOT) Bridges & Structures Bureau is interested in entering into two professional services contracts with two consulting companies to provide final design for work on Mississippi River Bridge in Lansing, IA. One of the Contracts will be for final design, plan development as well as what is scoped below for this project. The second contract will for an independent final design review. 7/23/2020 Bridge Design
112 352-Comprehensive Archaeological Services 363-Comprehensive Historical and Architectural Services 9/1/2016 Other
113 Firms entering into an environmental services contract with the DOT are expected to provide services that ensure compliance with all environmental laws and regulations pertaining to soil, water, and air contamination. Work performed by full services consultants generally will be larger in scope and complexity, requiring the capability to perform a full range of environmental services. Read the RFP for examples of full & limited service capabilities. 11/16/2001 Other
114 Work under this contract will require the consultant team to meet the requirements of work category 237, Highway Maintenance Equipment, Materials and Methods Research and Analysis, and/or work category 238, Intelligent Transportation Systems. 3/13/2017 Other
116 Design an incident detection and warning system to notify travelers of nonrecurring incidents and subsequent delays on and around the I-74 bridge over the Mississippi River in the Quad Cities (Davenport / Bettendorf, Iowa and Rock Island / Moline, Illinois). 7/19/2002 Other
117 Work Category 362: Threatened and Endangered Species Services 12/12/2013 Other
307 2022 Non-Destructive Bridge Deck Inspection RFP 8/22/2022 Bridge Design
118 Complete a location study for the capacity/operational improvement of Interstate 29 from the Sioux Gateway Airport Interchange north to the South Dakota border 4/30/2004 Planning Studies
119 Perform on-call environmental studies/documentation for complex highway improvement projects, usually at the environmental assessment or environmental impact statement level of documentation. 3/5/2004 Planning Studies
120 See attachment. 7/27/2011 Other
279 2020 Program Assistance for the Living Roadway Trust Fund 10/30/2020 Highway Design
121 352,363 2/25/2015 Other
300 2022 RFP 3-Year On-Call for Transportation Planning, Engineering, Environmental Studies, and Documentation Full-Service 2/8/2022 Other
122 See Below 9/14/2007 Other
123 220 - Construction Inspection and Project Management 2/8/2018 Other
124 Work Category 321 - Geological and Geophysical Studies 6/8/2017 Highway Design
125 Work under this contract will require the consultant team to meet the requirements of work categories 131 – Airport Planning Miscellaneous or 132 – Airport Master Planning. 3/17/2017 Other
126 Perform sign inventory and analysis studies for small towns in Iowa. 11/27/2002 Other
127 See below. 1/23/2009 Other
128 drilling, testing, and geotechnical design services on bridge and highway projects 9/17/2008 Highway Design
290 2022 Statewide Rest Area Design 8/24/2021 Highway Design
334 NEVI Program Administration 9/12/2024 Other
129 See Below 3/12/2008 Bridge Design
288 Statewide On-Call Bridges & Structures Bureau 5/6/2021 Bridge Design
131 Professional Engineering Services that include Preliminary Engineering Design, NEPA Services, Final Engineering Design and minimal Construction Engineering (CE) 4/19/2019 Other
132 Work under this contract will require the consultant team to meet the requirements of work category 362: Threatened and Endangered Species Services 3/13/2017 Other
133 See attachment. 1/27/2012 Other
134 See below 7/12/2007 Other
135 6/7/2018 Other
136 151 Rail Transportation Planning, 111 Statewide/Regional Systems Planning 3/2/2015 Other
137 The Consultant selected for unlimited basis work will be expected to perform bridge engineering services as listed in the Introduction for work categories 216 (Non-Standard, Non-Steel Bridge Design), 217 (Steel Bridge Design), 323 (Hydraulic and Hydrologic Studies) & 325 (Bridge Inspection & Analysis). At a minimum, the prime consultant shall be prequalified in categories 216 and 217. Additionally, the prime or the sub consultant(s) must be prequalified to perform the following engineering services that may be coupled with the bridge work on a project: • Preliminary engineering work such as preparation of project concepts, field examinations and preparation of type, size and location (TS&L) drawings (no specific prequalification) • Drainage design - 323 (Hydraulic and Hydrologic Studies) • Complex 1-D or 2-D hydraulic modeling- 322 (Complex Hydraulic and Hydrologic Studies) • Geological services - 321 (Geological and Geophysical Studies) • Land and engineering surveying - 311 (Land Surveying) and 312 (Engineering Surveying) • Highway design - 213 (Highway Design ¡V Major Facility) • Bridge construction inspection/observation and roadway construction inspection - 221 (Highway Roadway Construction) and 222 (Bridge Construction) 3/21/2016 Bridge Design
138 See attachment. 1/31/2011 Other
139 See attachment. 4/11/2011 Bridge Design
140 All detail work, materials, equipment and supplies necessary to provide Roadway Lighting Design Services. This includes, but is not limited to preparing and delivering contract plans and specifications for various interchange lighting and intersection lighting, other roadway lighting activities, and construction observation where applicable. 8/17/2001 Highway Design
141 This study will include review of the parallel arterial system in Dubuque, IA and improvements which may be implemented in conjunction with a U.S. 20 improvement to provide adequate access control and improved capacity for both local and through traffic 4/12/2000 Planning Studies
308 2022 Three Year On-Call for Statewide Cultural Resource Services RFP 8/24/2022 Other
142 See below. 1/27/2011 Other
143 Safety Engineering Services 3/25/2020 Other
144 360: Asbestos Services 8/16/2017 Other
145 123 - Location Studies 219 - Rail Design 224 - Railway Construction 227 - Building Construction 351 - Environmental Impact Studies 410 - Architecture 11/30/2017 Other
146 Airport Layout Plan (ALP) Updates at three Iowa public-use general aviation airports (Knoxville, Monticello, and Vinton) and Master Plan Updates at Denison, Ottumwa, and Spencer. 1/5/2005 Other
147 Development of land use guidelines and resource tools for airports, local governments and planners to use to help ensure compatible land use around airports. 12/28/2005 Other
148 Work under this contract will require the consultant team to meet the requirements of work categories 312 – Engineering Surveying, 314 – Aerial Photography and 315 – Photogrammetry. 10/24/2016 Other
149 311 – Land Surveying, 312 – Engineering Surveying, 313 – Geodetic Surveying, and 319 – Subsurface Utility Engineering. 5/23/2016 Highway Design
150 See attachment. 2/16/2012 Bridge Design
151 Work Category 325 Bridge Inspection and Analysis 4/10/2013 Bridge Design
152 381: Geographic Information System (GIS) Services 7/12/2017 Other
153 Inspect parcels scheduled for demolition for the presence of asbestos, mercury-containing light bulbs and thermostats, and PCB-containing ballasts, transformers, and capacitors. Remove and inventory as directed. 9/21/2001 Other
154 325 (Bridge Inspection and Analysis) 3/21/2016 Bridge Design
155 The Iowa Department of Transportation’s Office of Design is interested in entering into a professional services contract to provide statewide On-Call Services for Aerial Photography. If your firm is interested in providing the described services, please submit a proposal stating your ability and availability to complete this work. Project Background This contract is for firms who wish to be considered for providing digital aerial photography and LiDAR services at project specific sites statewide, as required for a three year on-call contract. Project Scope Services under the contract include but may not limited to: 1. Acquiring annual spring aerial photography in 2019, 2020, and 2021. Vertical aerial photography is acquired at altitudes ranging from 2000-9000 feet above ground along highway corridors and at wetlands, airports, and other state facilities statewide. The photography requested is to be delivered as digital frame images. 2. Collection and processing of Airborne GPS and IMU data 3. Acquiring Helicopter photography 4. Collecting and processing Airborne Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) data. On any project, firms may be responsible for preparation of flight layouts, coordination with DOT staff and survey consultants, and developing specifications for special projects. In general, the DOT will work with the selected firm on a project-by-project basis to determine the types of services required. 10/29/2018 Other
156 The Department is seeking to negotiate and enter into new three-year service agreement contracts with up to six (6) full service environmental and engineering consulting firms. Candidate firms shall be capable of providing expertise across the full range of work effort the Office of Location and Environment is responsible for through either in house or sub-contractual services. 2/4/2019 Other
157 See below. 2/16/2011 Highway Design
158 The work is to be performed in such a manner as to use traffic control appropriate for a slow moving operation rather than lane closures. The work is expected to be performed at night or other times of low traffic volume as directed by the Department. The proposal should include details on the NDT system and evidence of successful experience using the system. 4/24/2019 Bridge Design
159 See attachment. 9/1/2011 Other
312 2023 Traffic & Safety Statewide On-Call Roadway Lighting Design RFP 1/11/2023 Other
160 The Iowa Department of Transportation, Office of Design is seeking a prequalified consulting engineering firm to provide services for the development of an electronic Project Automation Resource (PAR). The PAR will be a comprehensive source documenting and standardizing the usage of automation tools and processes within the context of developing highway improvement projects. 10/28/2005 Highway Design
276 Mechanical Engineering - Remodel 7/21/2020 Other
298 2022 One-Year On-Call for Bridge Inspections 2/8/2022 Bridge Design
161 123 – Location Studies, 216 – Non-Standard, Non-Steel Bridge Design 217 – Steel Bridge Design, and 351 – Environmental Impact Studies In addition, the consultant team shall be either pre-qualified or have access to specialty firms prequalified in the following work types: 214 – Highway Design – Major Facility – Urban 323 – Hydraulic and Hydrologic Studies 8/1/2016 Other
162 The purpose of this Request for Proposal (RFP) is to solicit professional services that will develop a report demonstrating proof of concept and a future RFP to develop the web-based bridge deck preservation portal under the direction of a project Technical Advisory Committee (TAC). The award decision will be based on criteria described in the Proposal Evaluation Criteria section of this RFP. If interested in providing the described services, please submit a proposal stating the proposing firm(s)’s capability, availability, and technical approach to complete this work. 12/7/2018 Bridge Design
272 2020 Traffic Safety Statewide On-Call Lighting Design 5/12/2020 Other
163 LiDAR mapping and aerial photography acquisition from an altitude of 6000 feet for approximately 46 miles of US 30 in Linn/Cedar/Clinton Counties from Lisbon to DeWitt. 12/21/2000 Highway Design
164 Work Category 329 - Underwater Bridge Inspection 3/26/2014 Bridge Design
165 See Below 4/30/2008 Bridge Design
166 On-call services for the IADOT Office of Design. These services include, but are not limited to, the following design types: primary road resurfacing projects, interstate resurfacing and inlay projects, interstate rest area improvement projects (including waste water design and building design), institutional road projects, construction inspection, highway drainage design, safety improvement projects, traffic studies, interchange improvement projects, design survey, sanitary sewer and water main relocation projects. 4/30/2004 Highway Design
167 On-Call services for the Office of Design for a period of three years. The maximum amouunt payable for the entire 3-year contract will not exceed $500,000. 10/13/2000 Highway Design
168 Work category 321 – Geological and Geophysical Studies 7/6/2016 Highway Design
169 212 - Highway Design Minor 311 - Land Survey 312 - Engineering Survey 321 - Geological & Geophysical Studies 410 - Architecture 420 - Landscape Architecture 460 - Mechanical Engineering 462 - Lighting Design 4/23/2014 Other
170 The prime consulting firms submitting proposals for the “full service” contracts are required to remain prequalified in categories 123 - Location Studies and 351 - Environmental Impact Studies. In addition, the firm (prime or subconsultant) performing work in any of the following categories must be and remain pre-qualified: 125 - Interchange Justification Report (IJR), 312 -Engineering Survey, 315 - Photogrammetry, 319 - Subsurface Utility Engineering (SUE), 321 - Geological and Geophysical Studies, 323- Hydraulic and Hydrologic Studies, 352 - Cultural, Historic and Native American Services, 353 - Environmental Impact Specialty Studies, 354 - Comprehensive Wetland Services, 355 - Regulated Material Investigation and Remediation Services, 356 - Hydrogeology, Geomorphology and Other Geological Disciplines, 358 - Specialized Wetland Services, 359 - Specialized Geophysical Studies – Vibration, and 381 - Geographic Information System (GIS) Services, 2/8/2016 Other
318 2023 Statewide 3-Year On-Call Design Bureau 4/20/2023 Highway Design
172 Environmental Impact Studies (WC351) and Location Studies (WC 123) -- Full service and Limited service-general contracts. 9/27/2012 Other
173 See attachment 4/19/2012 Other
174 The DOT is seeking a design team to conduct a site utilization study that will accomplish the following: · Study current space utilization of Ames complex (i.e.: employee counts, adjacencies, office and employee space requirements) · Study the effect the Grand Avenue extension will have on the complex, considering parking and traffic flow, loss of space and the image projected by the façade of the complex. · Study options to satisfactorily address the DOT’s needs on the main complex after the completion of the Grand Avenue extension project. 3/15/2002 Other
175 Work Category 325 - Bridge Inspection and Analysis 3/26/2014 Bridge Design
176 123 – Location Studies 351 – Environmental Impact Studies 125 – Interchange Justification Report (IJR) 214 – Highway Design – Major Facility – Urban 216 – Non-Standard, Non-Steel Bridge Design 217 – Steel Bridge Design 218 – Traffic Operations Design 236 – Traffic Operations Studies 311 – Land Surveying 312 – Engineering Surveying 315 – Photogrammetry 319 – Subsurface Utility Engineering (SUE) 321 – Geological and Geophysical Studies 323 – Hydraulic and Hydrologic Studies 352 – Comprehensive Archaeological Services 353 – Environmental Specialty Services 354 – Comprehensive Wetland Services 355 – Regulated Materials Investigation and Remediation Services 356 – Hydrogeology, Geomorphology & Other Geological Disciplines 362 – Threatened and Endangered Species Services 363 – Comprehensive Historical and Architectural Services 11/19/2014 Other
323 2023 Traffic & Safety Engineering Services TEAP Studies 6/27/2023 Other
177 Engineering and Land Survey services related to highway improvement projects. 9/17/2008 Other
178 See below 10/17/2007 Other
179 The consultant's responsibilities will include, but are not limited to, the location studies and preparation of the appropriate level(s) of environmental documentation. 11/20/2000 Planning Studies
180 Airport Layout Plan (ALP) Updates 1/22/2004 Other
181 See attachment. 2/22/2011 Other
182 Traffic operations general services 3/19/2020 Other
183 Unlimited-213,216,217,221,222,311,312,321,323,325 Limited-213,216,221,222,311,312,321,323 4/21/2015 Bridge Design
299 2022 One-Year On-Call for Underwater Bridge Inspection 2/8/2022 Bridge Design
184 216 (Non-Standard, Non-Steel Bridge Design) 217 (Steel Bridge Design) 323 (Hydraulic and Hydrologic Studies) 325 (Bridge Inspection & Analysis) 3/30/2018 Bridge Design
185 The Iowa Department of Transportation (Iowa DOT) is requesting a proposal from consulting engineering and business firms concerning their qualification, experience, and availability to perform a business model study of applying statewide real-time, kinematic global positioning system (RTK-GPS) throughout Iowa. 4/5/2006 Other
186 Inspect parcels scheduled for demolition for the presence of asbestos, mercury-containing light bulbs and thermostats, and PCB-containing ballasts, transformers, and capacitors. Remove and inventory as directed. 9/15/2004 Other
291 Archaeological/historical consultant 10/25/2021 Other
187 See Below 4/16/2008 Other
188 See Below 3/31/2010 Bridge Design
285 Bridge sign inspection 2/23/2021 Bridge Design
336 Third Party Testing 1/22/2025 Other
189 See below. 1/21/2009 Other
190 The Iowa Department of Transportation’s Office of Traffic and Safety (Iowa DOT) is interested in entering into a professional services contract with up to three consulting firms to provide traffic engineering services for work on traffic engineering projects statewide and provide traffic engineering studies statewide. If your firm is interested in providing the described services, please submit a proposal stating your ability and availability to complete this work. 1/15/2019 Other
191 Services required under the contract include but may not be limited to: 1) Preliminary surveys to identify prehistoric or historic sites, structures, districts, and other properties potentially eligible for the National Register of Historic Places, and 2) Testing or evaluation of properties to determine eligibility for listing on the National Register of Historic Places and establish limits/define characteristics, and 3) Fieldwork results captured in spatial GIS files and reports available electronically, and 4) Preparation of research designs/data recovery plans or historic recordation plans or other mitigation strategies for eligible sites that cannot be avoided by transportation projects, and 5) Performance of mitigation work as directed, and 6) Preparation of Memorandums of Agreement, documentation records or other information used in fulfilling Section 106 requirements as well as those required by the Code of Iowa. 4/30/2019 Other
192 See Letter Below 6/12/2008 Planning Studies
193 Iowa Aviation System Plan update. 3/3/2003 Other
194 identification, handling, transportation and disposal/recycling of regulated materials. 5/25/2001 Other
331 Broad Range of Bridge Services 4/5/2024 Bridge Design
196 See below 10/9/2007 Other
197 The prime consulting firms submitting proposals for the “full service” contracts are required to remain prequalified in categories 123 - Location Studies and 351 - Environmental Impact Studies. In addition, the firm (prime or subconsultant) performing work in any of the following categories must be and remain pre-qualified: 125 - Interchange Justification Report (IJR), 352 -Cultural, Historic and Native American Services, 353 - Environmental Impact Specialty Studies, 354 - Comprehensive Wetland Services, 355 - Regulated Material Investigation and Remediation Services, 356 - Hydrogeology, Geomorphology and Other Geological Disciplines, 358 - Specialized Wetland Services, 359 - Specialized Geophysical Studies – Vibration, and 381 - Geographic Information System (GIS) Services. 2/8/2016 Other
198 See attachment 4/19/2012 Other
199 238 - Intelligent Transportation Systems 7/30/2014 Other
200 See below 5/17/2007 Other
201 All detail work, materials, equipment and supplies necessary to provide Roadway Sign Design Services. This includes, but is not limited to preparing and delivering contract plans and specifications for various freeway and expressway signing projects. 9/21/2001 Highway Design
202 462 - Lighting Design 6/27/2016 Other
203 See Below 3/31/2008 Bridge Design
204 On-Call Geotechnical Services for the Iowa Department of Transportation 11/8/2005 Highway Design
205 Consultants will be ON CALL to perform all types of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Planning, Engineering and Design consulting services. Tasks associated with the services requested are listed in the "Possible Project Tasks" portion of the RFP. 12/20/2005 Other
284 Bridge inspection special investigation 2/23/2021 Bridge Design
206 See RFP Attachment 3/12/2008 Bridge Design
207 236 2/17/2015 Other
208 The firms (2) will be expected to provide services that ensure compliance with all environmental laws and regulations pertaining to soil, water, and air contamination. Approximately 80% of the work under this contract is subject to the Risk Based Corrective Action program for Underground Storage Tanks at DOT facilities and ROW property. 1/19/2001 Other
209 See attachment. 4/25/2011 Other
303 2022 Statewide On-Call Bridges & Structures Bureau 3/8/2022 Bridge Design
210 See below. 6/3/2010 Planning Studies
211 See below. 3/15/2010 Other
212 Final Highway and Bridge Design and associated work 11/21/2007 Other
295 On-Call Airport Pavement Management Services 12/9/2021 Other
213 The Iowa DOT would like to install an ITS that would sense when a train is present and is blocking the city streets, then relay information to a pair of Dynamic Message Signs on I-29 in advance of the effected interchanges. This RFP would start in the preliminary engineering phase and project architecture, then move to final design, and then stay on board as the system integrator. An independent contract(s) will be let using the final plans to procure the equipment and installation services. 12/22/2005 Other
214 Highway Design-Minor 212 Highway Desing-Major 213 Traffic Operations Design 218 or Traffic Operations Studies 235 3/7/2014 Other
215 Work under this contract will require the consultant team to meet the requirements of work categories 221- Highway Road Construction, 222 – Bridge Construction Coordination/Inspection, 224 – Railway Construction, 226 - Traffic Operations Improvements Involving Construction. 1/6/2017 Other
216 329 - Underwater Bridge Inspection 2/24/2017 Bridge Design
217 The consultant selected on this RFP will assist Iowa DOT in writing bidding documents for deployments of ITS technology in the following two locations: 1. On the I-74 Mississippi River Bridge and the Iowa and Illinois I-74 approaches to the bridge in the Quad Cities, 2. On I-80 through the Iowa City/Coralville metro area 7/29/2005 Other
314 2023 Geotechnical Engineering Full Services 2/16/2023 Highway Design
316 2023 Bridges & Structures Bureau Limited and Unlimited On-Call 4/5/2023 Bridge Design
218 The Office of Bridges and Structures of the Iowa Department of Transportation (the Department) is interested in entering into a professional services contract with two consulting companies for work on various statewide bridge design projects. The selected consultants for this work will be expected to perform bridge engineering services. Anticipated projects could involve the following: • Preliminary design for new bridges or replacements • Final design for new bridges or replacements • Bridge Design Standards – updates • Full service bridge “shelf projects” • Bridge rehabilitation • Bridge deck overlays and repairs • Drainage design • Culverts • Emergency repairs • Other miscellaneous bridge discipline related work • Special investigations with miscellaneous analysis • Accelerated bridge construction The appointment of statewide on-call consultants is desired to provide flexibility with our production schedule needs. The consultant chosen must be able to react quickly to projects that have accelerated schedules. If your company is interested in providing the described services, please submit a proposal stating your ability and availability to complete this work. 4/2/2019 Bridge Design
219 See Letter Below 6/4/2008 Bridge Design
220 Structures Fabrication Inspection (WC 330) 5/15/2012 Other
221 10/18/2002 Other
222 Evaluation of the air service market in Iowa. 12/28/2005 Other
223 The selected consultant for this contract will be expected to perform services related to assisting the District inspection personnel with painting projects 3/22/2007 Other
224 The Consultants selected for limited basis work will be expected to perform engineering services as listed in the Introduction for work category 216 (Non-Standard, Non-Steel Bridge Design) & 323 (Hydraulic and Hydrologic Studies). At a minimum, the prime consultant shall be prequalified in work category 216. Additionally, the prime or the sub consultant(s) must be prequalified to perform the following engineering services that may be coupled with the bridge work on a project: • Preliminary engineering work such as preparation of project concepts, field examinations and preparation of type, size and location (TS&L) drawings (no specific prequalification) • Drainage design - 323 (Hydraulic and Hydrologic Studies) • Geological services - 321 (Geological and Geophysical Studies) • Land and engineering surveying - 311 (Land Surveying) and 312 (Engineering Surveying) • Highway design - 213 (Highway Design – Major Facility) • Bridge construction inspection/observation and roadway construction inspection - 221 (Highway Roadway Construction) and 222 (Bridge Construction) 3/21/2016 Bridge Design
301 2022 RFP 3-Year On-Call for 2022 Design On-Call Engineering Surveying including Mobile Scanning Technology and Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems 2/8/2022 Highway Design
225 Highway Design – Major Facility - Urban 10/30/2013 Highway Design
226 2/29/2016 Highway Design
227 See below 5/30/2007 Other
228 See .PDF Attachment 1 7/27/2007 Other
229 The Iowa Department of Transportation’s Construction and Materials Office is interested in Certified Welding Inspection Service Consultants to provide Certified Welding Inspectors (CWI) with Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) welding experience, experience in paint inspection and the ability to review and approve weld procedure specifications (WPS) for work on multiple fabrication projects at various locations throughout the United States. 7/26/2018 Other
230 Clinton County is requesting technical proposals from consultant engineering firms concerning their qualifications, experience and availability to complete a study to identify off-road alignment alternatives for the Mississippi River Trail (MRT) through Clinton County including the cities of Camanche and Clinton. 5/28/2004 Planning Studies
231 The selected consultants for this work will be expected to perform bridge engineering services. 3/27/2009 Bridge Design
271 2020 Statewide On-Call Bridges & Structures Bureau 5/14/2020 Bridge Design
232 The focus of this contract is the preliminary engineering and environmental study and documentation for the interstate 80 corridor in Scott County (Davenport, IA); however, additional engineering tasks may also be required. It is assumed that the required level of NEPA compliance documentation will be an Environmental Assessment and FONSI. 9/14/2018 Planning Studies
233 It is our intent that the inspection will be performed in July-September 2019. The inspections will only include the portions of the bridge substructure that is underwater. The selected firm will be provided with a list of the bridges to be inspected and access to plans and past inspection reports. For 22 of the bridges, the consultant shall also provide a hydrographic survey of the stream bottom within 1000 feet upstream and downstream of the bridge. Inspection findings shall be documented in a written report. The consultant will be responsible for providing all resources necessary to perform the inspection. The consultant may be utilized for unanticipated underwater bridge inspection needs for a period of three years. 2/14/2019 Bridge Design
234 See Letter Below 8/5/2009 Other
235 See attachment. 11/14/2011 Other
236 Firms entering into an environmental services contract with the DOT are expected to provide services that ensure compliance with all environmental laws and regulations pertaining to the National Environmental Policy Act, associated executive orders and FHWA directives. Read the RFP for examples of service capabilities. 2/28/2002 Planning Studies
237 The project for which proposals are being sought is the development of a plan, which will be used by the DOT and transit agencies to provide direction and guidance to effectively invest and implement ITS technological applications. The document will result in an integrated, cost-effective plan designed to enhance operator and passenger safety, reliability, efficiency and cost of public transportation services of Iowa’s large urban transit systems. 11/18/2005 Planning Studies
238 The services performed by the consulting firm may include, but are not limited, to coordination with DOT staff, scan layouts and specifications, establishing permanent control, target placement and field collection. In general, the DOT will work with the selected firm on a project-by-project basis to determine the types of services required. 7/20/2006 Highway Design
239 work category 238, Intelligent Transportation Systems 2/19/2014 Other
240 325 (Bridge Inspection and Analysis) 3/21/2016 Bridge Design
241 321 5/28/2014 Other
328 SAMEP Design & Engineering 1/25/2024 Other
242 The primary services anticipated include acquiring annual spring aerial photography in 2007, 2008, and 2009. Secondary services that may be requested include, target placement and field collection, airborne GPS, helicopter photography, digital aerial photography, and Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR). 7/20/2006 Highway Design
244 See attachment. 2/13/2012 Other
287 2021 Statewide On-Call Bridges & Structures Bureau 4/12/2021 Bridge Design
245 Development of documentation and tools to facilitate the use of BIM for Bridges and Structures 5/18/2018 Bridge Design
292 2021 On-Call 3rd Party Testing Consultant - Support Services Bureau 10/25/2021 Other
246 Primary services we anticipate requesting will be acquisition of spring aerial photography. Secondary services that may be requested include airborne GPS, helicopter photography, digital aerial photography, and lidar. On any project, firms may be responsible for coordination with DOT staff, preparing flight layouts and specifications, target placement and field collection, providing field observations during airborne GPS. In general, the DOT will work with the selected firm on a project-by-project basis to determine the types of services required. 7/26/2005 Other
247 This RFP is intended to be the basis of a contract for the writing of an RFP and associated tasks for the deployment of a statewide, real-time kinematic GPS network for the State of Iowa. 3/28/2007 Other
322 2023 Traffic Operations Bureau 3-Year On-Call for Traffic Operations Services 5/25/2023 Other
248 See attachment. 5/12/2011 Other
319 2023 GIS Services Three Year On-Call RFP 5/4/2023 Other
249 The Iowa Department of Transportation’s Office of Aviation is interested in entering into a professional services contract with an aviation consulting firm to update the Iowa Aviation System Plan. The selected consultant will perform services to update the 2010 Iowa Aviation System Plan. If your firm is interested in providing the described services, please submit a statement of qualifications outlining your ability and availability to complete this work. 1/25/2019 Other
313 2023 Traffic & Safety Statewide On-Call Roadway Non-Lighting Design RFP 1/11/2023 Other
250 311 – Land Surveying, 312 – Engineering Surveying, 313 – Geodetic Surveying, and 319 – Subsurface Utility Engineering. 5/23/2016 Highway Design
306 2022 Exterior and Interior Maintenance and Repair On-Call RFP 8/5/2022 Other
251 The Iowa Department of Transportation’s (Iowa DOT) Office of Bridges and Structures is interested in entering into a professional services contract with four consultants to provide bridge inspection services for work on 2019 bridge inspections. If your firm is interested in providing the described services, please submit a proposal stating your ability and availability to complete this work. 2/14/2019 Bridge Design
252 6/30/2005 Other
253 See below. 10/13/2010 Other
254 Work under this contract will require the consultant team to meet the requirements of work category 201 Project Management/General Engineering Consultant (PM/GEC). 3/2/2017 Other
255 Airport Pavement Management services, including pavement condition inspections and pavement management reports for 24 publicly owned airports 12/28/2005 Other
256 See attachment. 2/22/2011 Other
258 Assess the feasibility of developing a regional airport in Northeast Iowa. Airports currently exist in Cresco and Decorah, but neither airport appears to be in a position to meet the growing demands from current and future businesses in the region. The political subdivisions would like a study to analyze the need and feasibility to construct a new, shared facility. 9/18/2003 Other
297 2022 3-Year On-Call for Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) Acoustic Based Bridge Inspection 2/8/2022 Bridge Design
259 The selected consultants for this contract will be expected to perform engineering services related to non-standard, non-steel bridge design, steel bridge design, and hydraulic and hydrologic studies. 3/22/2007 Bridge Design
260 8/1/2012 Bridge Design
261 161- Bicycle and Pedestrian Transportation Planning 1/9/2012 Planning Studies
262 360 7/11/2014 Other
263 Analysis and design of sanitary sewer relocations and a storm sewer outlet along the I-235 project corridor within the city limits of Des Moines, Iowa. 5/15/2001 Other
281 2020 Iowa Aviation Economic Impact Study 11/30/2020 Other
264 See attachment. 4/25/2011 Other
265 See attachment. 3/12/2009 Other
266 See attached. 5/3/2012 Other
267 1/8/2019 Other
268 9/7/2005 Other
286 Structural Design - REVISED 2/23/2021 Other